Table of Contents | ||||||
- The second tab is the Details tab where you will find most member information. You will also be able to perform the following actions:
- Manage details - edit any of the key details for this member
- Assign/Edit Category - add or remove a category for this member
- Edit Membership - edit any of the members' membership information
- Add to Group - you can add a member to a specific group and you will also be able to remove a member from a club member group
- Add Certification - you will be able to add a certification to the member
- Add to Group - you will be able to add the member to an Email Campaign Channel and also remove that member for the assigned channel.
- Manage details - edit any of the key details for this member
& Categories
When you are in the groups & categories section you will be provided with a list of all the groups and categories you have already created for your club .The list is divided into two sections (tabs) - Member Groups and Member Categoriesgroup.
You will also be given the functionality to add new club group member groups and new member categories..
For each club group member group or member category listed here you will be able to perform additional actions.
In the member groups tab of your list you will be able to see all member groups that have already been created. You will also be given an overview of some of the groups' details. Furthermore, you will be able to perform the following actions:
- You will be able to add new member groups.
- You will be able to edit or delete existing member groups (Attention: Groups can only be deleted when no members are associated to this category).
Member Categories
In the member categories tab of your list you will be able to see all member categories that have already been created. You will also be given an overview of some of the categories' details. Furthermore, you will be able to perform the following actions:
- You will be able to add new member categories.
- You will be able to edit or delete existing member categories (Attention: Categories can only be deleted when no members are associated to this category).
In the manage section of certifications you will be able to approve, extend and revoke certifications you have permission to manage. If there are any certifications that require review by you they will be listed here.
In the clubs section of BowlsLink you will be able to find all information related to your club and any other clubs you have the permission to see.
In the fee packages tab of your fees list you can group your club fees into packages that can be assigned to your members.
You will be able to see all the details for a fee package when it is listed here. You will also be able to perform the following actions:
- Add Fee Item - Once you have created your fee package you will be able to assign all the required fees to it. You can do this here.
- Edit Package - If certain details for your current fee package need to be updated you can do this here.
- Remove Package - You can also remove a fee package should you no longer require it. Please be aware that fee packages can only be removed when they are not assigned to any of your members.
Fee Labels
In the fee labels tab of your fees list you can manage and edit the labels assigned to your club’s fee items.
You will be able to see all the details for a fee label when it is listed here. You will also be able to perform the following actions:
- Edit Label - If certain details for your current fee label need to be updated you can do this here.
- Delete Fee Label - You can also remove a fee label should you no longer require it. Please be aware that fee labels can only be removed when they are not assigned to any fees.