User Manual - Email Campaigns

User Manual - Email Campaigns

Note - When setting your From Address, please set it to noreply@bowlslink.com.au. You can set your Reply To Address and From Name to your club name and email address. If you don’t follow this delivery rates can be effected.

See the link below for video guides to sending email campaigns


Email Campaigns

The email campaigns section is used to communicate with club members. It makes it easier to communicate with particular members and to send regular email messages and updates.

BowlsLink uses a third party product called Campaign Monitor to send emails from the system. Campaign Monitor is embedded into BowlsLink so it acts as part of the system.

Note - When setting your From Address, please set it to noreply@bowlslink.com.au. You can set your Reply to Address and From Name to your club name and email address.

If you don’t follow this delivery rates can be effected.

First Login to Emails

The first time you log into use the Emails from BowlsLink, you will need to setup an Administrator account with Campaign Monitor for your club. This is done automatically from with Bowlslink.

  1. Click on the Email Campaigns menu in the Left hand Menu. This will ask you to request being and Admin for the Club email account. Click the Request Admin Account button.


Creating an email campaign

When you create a new email campaign you will need to go through a few steps to get the email ready to be sent out.

  1. . Select "Create Campaign" from the top right-hand corner to start a new campaign.

  2. You will be taken to a screen to create the campaign (different to the Email, which we will create later). You will need to complete all of the fields, which are:

    1. Campaign Name - This won't appear on the email, but is a reference for you. Use a name that describes the type or content of the email.

    2. Subject - This is the subject line of the email, which the recipients will see.

    3. Who is it From - This should be set to Noreply@bowlslink.com.au. If it is not set to this it may effect delivery rates.

    4. Reply to address – the address that receives any replies from the email. This should be a valid email address.

    5. To see the Reply to address click on the different reply to address link, this will make the reply to address option appear.

Creating the Email content using the template

BowlsLink comes with a prebuilt template. To create a basic email for members, use a few of the options available in the template.

Select the template by clicking on the image on the page. Alternatively use plain text, this means functionality will be limited and links to web pages, or pictures will not work.


Select the template


Adding Dates to Emails


The template can be setup with the date (which can be made to always display the current date)

 1. Click the Edit button next to Email Date in the top right

2. Select the cog icon to see the options available.

3.Use the drop down menus to select what you want to display. You will need to select more than one option.

4. Once you have the date format you want save the changes.


 Adding Club Logos to Emails


Club logos can be added to the 300x100 image section in the top left.

  1. Press Edit in the top left corner of the 300x100 section

2. Remove the current image (which is the one that says 300x100) this will allow you to then select an image to insert.

3. Use the choose image button to select an image from your computer to insert.


4. When you are happy with how the logo looks you can save the changes. Using the save changes button.


Adding Body to the Email

 Within the template there are many options that you can use to create an email to your members. Including: hero banners; spacers; images; headlines and articles. The most commonly used aspect would be the content block. Below I will cover how to add one and edit content for it.

 1. Remove the Hero banner by clicking the trash can icon next to the edit button.

2. You can then click the add new button, and select content block.


3. Edit the content on using the box on the the left hand side. The Latin can be deleted and replaced with a new message.

Personalizing the Message

  1. Use the insert menu to personalize the message for members, by including things like first names etc. Bowlslink Specific fields Like ID numbers can be used.

2. When happy with the message you need to save the changes to proceed.


Previewing the Email

When done you can preview what the email will look like by clicking the preview button in the top right.


Define the Recipients

The next step is to define recipients, or who will receive the email.

  1. Click the define recipient button in the top right.



2. Select the groups from the a click list. This list is taken from your clubs BowlsLink email channels. If the group has been setup as an email channel it will appear here and be updated daily.



3. You can also exclude groups. Which means if you select multiple groups and exclude a different group no one on that list will get the message even if they are on approved recipient lists. This is done on the right hand side.

4. Once you have selected the groups you can click the next button to see your campaign snapshot. This will allow you to check the details of the campaign, including: from and reply to addresses, preview the email in HTML and Plain text, preview with personalization, and the recipients of the email.


5. It is advisable to send a test email to yourself to ensure everything looks fine to a recipient. When you are happy with everything you can use the schedule delivery button to move to the next stage.


6. There is the option to either send now, or to schedule for a specific time and date. This provides for the ability to put campaigns together in advance of when they can be sent.

After sending the Email

After sending the email the system allows you to see some statistics about the campaign, provided it was an HTML template. If the email was in plain text the analysis will be limited.

  1. Select the sent option from the left hand menu within campaigns.


2. Click the title of the campaign to see the analysis for it.

Guide to analytics

Unique opens: number of individuals who have opened it

Total open: number of times the email has been opened. note some people may open it more than once

Bounced: Number of emails not delivered

Not Opened: Number of people who have not opened the email

% or recipients opened: number of opens compared to the number of people it was sent to

% clicked a link: if your email has links in it you can see how many people are clicking it.

% unsubscribed: people who unsubscribe.

Marked as SPAM: number of people who put this email into their SPAM/Junk folders

Shares: number of people who have shared the campaign on social media.

Campaign Elements.


This section will give you an overview of the different elements available within the template within Campaign Monitor.


  1. Hero Banner

A Hero banner is a banner or image that fills the entire width of the email content.


 2. Inset Banner

An Inset banner is a banner or image that allows for margins on either side of the email, compared to a Hero Banner. In the image below there is a white space on either side of the banner.

 3. Duel images

This allows two pictures to be inserted side by side within the email.  


 4. Headline

This provides a headline to an article or content block, it is designed to take up the width of the email.



 5. Article Duel

This provides the ability to have 2 articles with pictures running side by side and text beneath each. The image sizes are suggested as per the place holders. Larger or smaller sizes may distort the image and article.

6. Article Single

This puts a picture to the left of an article or block of text.


 7. Spacer clear and Spacer Line

These allow you to put in a break or space between content blocks or articles.


Right Hand Menu options


The menu on the right side of the email allows you to add/move/remove elements of the email

 Edit: allows you edit the element to the immediate left of the menu.

Trash can: deletes the element to the immediate left.

4 arrows: allows you to click hold and drag the element up or down the email to position it where you want.

+ Add New: allows you to add and element to the email.