Jack Attack BowlsLink Manual

Jack Attack BowlsLink Manual

This manual will give you an overview of how-to setup a Jack Attack Competition. As there are variables with Jack Attack, this manual will look at the different options available to setting up the competition and accepting entries.


Table of Contents


Logging into BowlsLink


Login into BowlsLink. www.bowlslink.com.au


Click on the Club name underneath Club Administration.




BowlsLink Competition Overview

Click on Competitions on the left-hand side menu.

The competitions screen will provide a list of all competitions that are available to administer.

The competitions are divided into different tabs based on the status of the competition.

Draft –when a competition is created/copied.

Active – when the competition is ready for entries.

In Play – when the competition is ready for results.

Completed – when the competition has finished.

Cancelled – when the competition has been cancelled.



Competition Setup – Allowing for Self-Registration/Online Entries

Click ADD COMPETITION on the top right-hand side.

*You need to complete the seven tabs when setting up a new competition!!






1 – Details


Title – is the main title for your comp, the title will be visible in the result portal and can be updated anytime.

Example: 2022 October - Jack Attack Competition



For Jack Attack competitions choose Round Robin


Sits underneath main title in the result portal, can contain competition rules.

Organising Body

The body creating the competition.

This is prefilled to the profile that was selected

Supplemental Organising Body

Optional, handy if want to share the organising with another Club.


Change to Active, then entries can be accepted.


Optional. This is something that can only be added to the competition after it has been created. Very useful if the organising body is going to create several competitions related to an event. Example: 2022 Jack Attack Competitions


Optional. Can add the Jack Attack logo supplied (300 x 300), club logo or sponsor logo.


Sets where on the results portal the competition displays.


Is this a ‘sides’ competition? – Leave this as No.

Format – Click on Triples from the drop down list.


Enter the start date of the competition from the calendar option under Start Date.

Enter the End data of the competition from the calendar option under the End Date.


Choose the correct Timezone for the competition.

Terms & Conditions

Add the T&Cs that relate to the competition, these are only seen if self-registration is being used, and must be agreed to by competitors to enter.

2 – Key Details

Enable self-registration?

Check the box to allow people to enter the competition themselves.

Enable per-entry club nomination

No need to check this box

*Entries can be capped

**Entries can be added to a waiting list when the cap is reached.

Entries can be publicly listed

Allows entries to be seen in the result portal.

Self-registration opens

Set the date when self-registration opens.

Self-registration closes

Set the date when self-registration closes.

Allow registrants to set their team name?

If entries can decide a team name, check the box, if not leave unchecked.

Allow guests to register?

Provides a public entry form for anyone to use to enter the competition. Can be used on websites, social media to encourage sign ups.


Restrictions can be placed on competitions. As Jack Attack is aimed at non-members, no restrictions should be placed on this competition.


Require players to be members

As Jack Attack is for non-members, this isn’t used, leave unchecked.

Allow members to enter more than once

As Jack Attack is for non-members, this isn’t used, leave unchecked.

Entries must identify at least how many players?

Can leave this blank or ask for details of all three players. At least one person’s details, are required. Place a 1 in the white box.

Entries should capture:

Check or uncheck the boxes to require or show the information. If not required, untick show. Recommend either email or phone be required.

Entries must capture player locales

Advanced option requiring address of the players – will require state and post code.

Disable manage entry option for entrant

As Jack Attack is for non-members, this isn’t used.

Team Name Format:

Leave this blank.



3 – Entry Additional Details

In this section, extra questions can be asked of the team


If no additional details required. Can go straight to section 5.


4 – Entrant Additional Details

In this section, extra questions can be asked of the players.


If no additional details required. Can go straight to section 5.



5 – Fees

Can take entry fees via the system. If not wanting to take fees online go to step 6.

If choose to take fees via the system, need to set up account with Bowls Australia.

Click + Add Entry Type

To create a new type by clicking ADD ENTRY TYPE.


Entry Type

Fill out the name of the Entry Type – In this case it is the Registration Fee


A short description so the players know what it is for

Then click SAVE

It will then create the Entry Type

Click + Add Entry Fee

Click to put the amount for the entry type

New Entry Fee

Fill out the details of Name of the Fee

Short Description of the fee

Total Price

In addition, can put in date ranges of the cost.


Once completed click SAVE & CONTINUE


6 – Dates & Times


If not adding, go to section 7

Assign Times, Greens & Rinks

This section allows the club to assign locations and rinks at the club.

*If club greens are not in the system, need to contact the STA to get them added

Click the check box to open the options

Select Greens and Rinks

Click + ADD GREEN to open



From the drop down list choose the club.

Then check the required rinks, tick at least one rink for it to be an option when doing fixturing later on.

Click the + ADD Green to add a section and third green if required.

Once done, click SAVE & CONTINUE


7 – Results Settings

This section is where the result for scoring is allocated.

Competition Profile

From the drop-down menu choose the type of game for the competition. As Jack Attack is sets play, choose Sets.


Member Results Options

Not required for Jack Attack competitions.

Set Options

This is the area in which the system knows how many sets and the points for the sets win.

Jack Attack should be setup as 3 sets as a 3rd set may be required for the tie breaker. Put the points as per the competition that is running.


Competition Marker

Leave this section as relates to the scoring app.


Points per Match

This is where the points for a match win, etc. Scores can stay 0 if wish.



Scores per Match

This will only be used if Byes/Forfeits give shots to scores. Scores can stay 0.

Ladder Criteria

Can choose an option on how the ladder can be sorted. There are many options depending on the scoring system chosen.

We recommend:


Public Results Display Settings

This is what it will be displayed on https://results.bowlslink.com.au/

Recommend choosing wither Total Points or Sets Won.

App Scoring Settings

Leave these as they are for the scoring app.







Entry Setup and editing entries

Now the competition is setup, it will be in the Active Tab under Competitions.

From here we can get the Guest Entries Link that was in the competition setup to post to the social media platforms and websites to accept entries.

Click on the spanner in the Actions column against the right competition. From the drop-down list choose Copy Guest Entry Link.

Adding an entry into BowlsLink as the administrator

A club or competition administrator can add in entries for a Jack Attack competition into the system, not done via the Guest Entry Link.


This is done in the Entries screen under Competitions.


Then on the right side of the screen choose ADD ENTRY

A pop-up box will appear and from the drop-down box select the correct competition.


Start filling out the information for the first player that is required.

Once filled out for player 1, click SAVE

A Green message will appear on the bottom right. If the message is Red, it means a required field has been missed.

Click on +ADD PLAYER to add the next player if required. If adding 1 person, go to next step.

Fill out players two’s details, then click save.

When all the players have been added, click SAVE.

Primary Contact

From the drop-down box, select a player to be the Primary Contact.

Click the name and then click NEXT.

Key Details

Team Name

Will default to the players names in alpha or players’ order. Can be overridden if required.

Ignore all other options.

Click NEXT.


If fees are being taken online, select the require fee.

Click NEXT.


This is a summary of all the players information entered.

Confirm details are correct. Click the slider to YES and then click NEXT.


If fees were added to the entry, credit card details can be entered here. If payment was taken another form, select that from the drop-down list.

Then select PAY.


Viewing Entries in the BowlsLink System

Entries can be viewed in the system when they come in.

To view entries, under Competitions and then the active tab, find the competition.

Click on the spanner under the actions column and choose Entries.

This will place a filter and only show the entries for this competition

In the Actions column, click on the spanner against the entry.

Three options are available:


View the entry and potentially edit from that view.


If the primary contact didn’t receive the original confirmation, it can be resent.


Withdraw the entry from the competition. (Remember if fees have been taken a refund may be required).




Once entries have been received, fixtures can be completed*

*Can be completed before but may have to redo the fixtures depending on entries received.



Select FIXTURES under competitions.

On the top right-hand side, select NEW FIXTURES.


A pop-up box will appear. From the drop down list select the correct competition.



Generate fixtures by:

Leave this as Setting parameters.

Templates can be imported but must adhere to the format required.


Expected number of competitors:

This is how many teams that have registered. If a bye is required, don’t add the bye as a team as the system will automatically add a bye if required.

Competitors per section:

If having multiple sections for the competition, put how many teams per a section. Include the bye in this e.g., 8 teams and putting into 2 sections, put 4 in the box.

Competitions play each other:

Choose the number of times the teams will play each other, in this case once.


Once generated, this page will be displayed.

Click on Round Settings.


Fill out the playing dates and match start times (noting in 24 hour time)

On the right click SAVE & APPLY and then SAVE on the left.


The Blue Lighting Bolt button can do an autofill. E.g. choose how many days apart each round is, if all at the same time and also which days will be missed (example christmas day).

Click APPLY once completed.


Click on fixtures on the left-hand side menu bar.


It will default to final tab. Select the Draft Tab.

Find the fixture and go to the Actions column and click on the spanner.

From here, select VIEW COMPETITORS.

Select the UNMAPPED tab.

This will then show all the entries under this competition.

“Map” them to a position number on the fixture.

In the top right-hand side, click on AUTO MAP COMPETITORS.

This will automatically map entries into a blind draw.

A confirmation box will be displayed.

Click on PROCEED.

The entries will then move from the UNMAPPED tab to the MAPPED tab. Select the MAPPED tab to view their number.

Individual teams mapping numbers can be changed.

Click on the spanner in the action column.

Choose Edit Mapping or Unmap Competitor.

If swapping teams around, unmap one team first before editing the next.

Once unmapped, the entry will go back into the unmapped tab.


To view the matches, click on Back to Fixtures up the top.

In the draft fixture page, find the competition again, click on the spanner in the Actions column.


Click on View Matches.

A list of all the matches will be displayed.


Locations can be added from here as well.

Click on the top check box next to Match ID.

This will check all the matches boxes.

A dark blue box will be displayed.

Bulk Edit and Bulk Locate options.

BULK EDIT, provides the option to change the location all to one location.

To do this, uncheck the Leave as-is box under Location.


Select the location.

Then click APPLY.

Otherwise, choose BULK LOCATE, which will rotate the rinks that set up in the competition.

Select the option.

Then click APPLY.

Once the location has been set, it is easy to change rinks as required.

Select the spanner in the ACTIONS column.

Select EDIT.

Under LOCATION, select the drop-down list and choose the correct rink.

Then click SAVE.


Once completed, finalise the fixtures.


Find the competition.

Click the spanner in the ACTIONS column and click MAKE FINAL.

A confirmation box will be displayed.


This has now moved the fixture to the final tab.

Publish the fixture so it can be viewed on the public portal.

Locate the competition, under the ACTIONS column, select the spanner.

Select Edit.

The screen will appear and ask IS PUBLISHABLE?

Click the slider to change to YES and then click SAVE.

Then bottom right hand side of screen, green message will appear saying fixtures saved.

Click back on Competitions and then the ACTIVE tab.

Move the competition to IN PLAY. Allowing scores to be entered and viewed on the public portal.

Find the competition. Click on the spanner under the ACTIONS column.

Click on EDIT.

Under the details tab, scroll halfway down until find STATUS.

Change it from ACTIVE to IN-PLAY.


Scroll down to the bottom of page and click SAVE & CONTINUE.

Select COMPETITIONS in the left-hand side menu bar.


Entering Scores

Now that the competition has been created, entries and fixtures is complete, scores can be entered into the system once the games have been played.

Under COMPETITIONS and under the IN PLAY tab, find the competition and click on the spanner in the ACTIONS column.



This will show all the matches coming up under the PENDING tab.

Select the spanner under the ACTIONS tab for there required match.



Complete the results for the two sets in each of the sets boxes.

Place the score for each team for each set in the corresponding boxes.

If a Tie Breaker was required, place the score in Set 3 and check the box – THIS ROUND IS A TIE BREAK.

Click the slider to say YES to FINALIZE RESULT.

Then click SET RESULTS.

Continue these steps for all completed games.


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