Finance - Club Admin

Finance - Club Admin


In the finance section of BowlsLink you will be able to find all information related to finances of your club.
The finance section is further divided into Invoices and Fees.


When you are in the invoices section you will be provided with a list of all the invoices related to your club.
You will also be given the functionality to create custom invoices.

  1. The list is divided into three sections (tabs) - approved, draft and voided.
  2. For each invoice listed here you will be able to retrieve further information by clicking on the desired invoice.

Creating a custom invoice

When creating a custom invoice for a particular member of your club you will need to follow the steps below.

  1. Click "Create Custom Invoice" in the top right-hand corner. 

  2. Select the member of your club you would like to raise the invoice for.

After you have selected your member you will be able to customise your invoice. You will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. Add line item to the invoice, this will be blank when first added.
  2. Select dates - You can specify when the invoice was issued and when the invoice is due for payment

  3. You will be able to provide detail what you are invoicing the member for.
    1. Item
    2. Type
    3. GST
    4. Total
  4. Approve - Once you have included all required details in your invoice you can approve your invoice for action.

  5. Delete - If your invoice is no longer required you can delete the current version of your invoice.
  6. Download - If you need to save your invoice externally or print it you will be able to download the invoice for further actions.


In the approved tab of the listed invoices you will find all invoices that are currently approved. These invoices are ready and you can perform the following actions:

  1. Enter payment - If you have received payment (full or partial) for your invoice you will be able to record it here.
  2. Send - If your approved invoice still needs sending you will be able to do this through this function.
  3. Download - Should you require to download your invoice you will be able to do this here.
  4. Void - Should this invoice no longer be required it can get voided here.
  5. View Payments - If you need to check in more detail when payments where made you can do this here.

    1. If you choose to enter a payment, you will need to select the method of payment and how much is being paid. If a credit card is used, the details will need to be provided as well. 

    2. If you choose to void the invoice, a confirmation will appear.
    3. If you choose to view payments, you will be able to see a history of payments and are able to void these if required.


In the draft tab of the listed invoices you will find all invoices that are currently in draft status. These invoices are not approved yet and you can perform the following actions:

  1. Edit - Change the details of the invoice before approving
  2. Delete - Delete the invoice from the system 
  3. Approve - Approve the invoice and make live for payment
  4. Download - Should you require to download your invoice you will be able to do this here.


In the voided tab of the listed invoices you will find all invoices that have been voided.


When you are in the fees section you will be provided with a list of all the different fee items related to your club. As a overview, you create fee items, which are the individual things you will be charging members for. These are then added to a fee package, which allows you to group together items. Finally the fee package is assigned to the relevant members of your club. 
The list is divided into these three sections (tabs) - fee items, fee packages and fee labels.

Fee Items

  1. Adding a fee item
    1. When adding a new fee item you will need to follow the below steps:
    2. Click on the "Add Fee" button at the top right-hand corner. 

  2. You will now add the details for the fee. The details are:
    1. Name - Give the fee you are creating a name that is relevant and that will be understood by your members.
    2. Description - Give more specific details what this fee is for to help your members understand what this fee relates to and covers.
    3. Price and GST - Specify the price of the fee and whether it should include GST.
    4. Fee Type - You can select a fee type that already exists.

    5. If the fee type does not exist, you can select "Add a new fee type" to create a new type that can be reused for other fees moving forward. Click on the option to add a new fee type, enter a label for the fee type and then click add to make it available for use.
  3. Once a fee item is added, you can click on the action menu to edit it as required, or to delete it if it is no longer required. Any of the details entered above can be edited.

Fee Packages

The fee package groups the items together. For example, a member may have a membership fee and a club shirt fee, which all financial members are required to pay. These would be grouped together in the fee package.

  1. Adding a fee package.
    1. When adding a new fee package you will need to follow the below steps:
    2. Click on the "Add Fee Package" button at the top right-hand corner. 

    3. Once done you will be prompted to add the following details to complete the fee package setup:
      1. Package Name - Give the fee package you are creating a name that is relevant and that will be understood by your members.
      2. Description - Give more specific details what this fee package is for to help your members understand what it relates to and what it covers.
      3. Billing Cycle - You need to set the billing cycle for this fee package so the system knows when to charge a member.

Once a fee package has been added, you can configure it to use it with members. The key action is adding fee items to the package.

  1. Adding fees to a package
    1. In this example we have a new fee package for a junior member. The package has been created but it is currently empty with no items added. Clicking on the action menu brings up the option to:
      1. Add Fee Item - Adds a fee item to the package.
      2. Edit Package - Allows you to update details of the package.
      3. Remove Package - You can also remove a fee package should you no longer require it. Be aware that fee packages can only be removed when they are not assigned to any of your members. Since this package is empty, we can remove it.

    2. When you select add fee item, the manage fees section will open. You can select a fee from the assign fees drop down menu, and assign it to the package. This can be done multiple times, to add a number of fee items as required. Once you have finished, click on the X to close the window.

  2. Managing Fee Packages
    1. Now that the fees have been added to the package, you will be back on the fee package screen. There are options here to help you manage packages:
      1. You can expand a fee package to see the fees in the package
      2. You can remove fees from a package
      3. You can use the action menu to edit or remove the package as required.
      4. See the number of members assigned to this package.

Fee Labels

In the fee labels tab of your fees list you can manage and edit the labels assigned to your club's fee items.
You will be able to see all the details for a fee label when it is listed here. You will also be able to perform the following actions:

  1. Edit Label -  If certain details for your current fee label need to be updated you can do this here.
  2. Delete Fee Label - You can also remove a fee label should you no longer require it. Please be aware that fee labels can only be removed when they are not assigned to any fees. This is available via the action menu.

  3. If you select the edit label action, it will open an edit window, where you can change the label as required.

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