Results Entry Manual

Results Entry Manual

This user manual will give you an overview of how you can enter results for a competition in BowlsLink. We use two examples, how to enter the results for a Pennant competition and entering results for a club competition.

Entering results for Pennant - Before the Match

Before the match, both sides will need to setup their teams. The first time this is done will require more steps, but once completed it will be much faster to setup teams for the following rounds. You can only setup your own teams, and both sides will need to complete this prior to the day of play. In the competitions section of BowlsLink you will be able to find all competitions and their current status.

  1. Login to your BowlsLink account. On the left of your screen, click on the Competitions option, and then select My Club Entries.
  2. Click on the In Play tab and look for the Pennant Competition you are setting up. Click on the action icon for the competition, and select the Manage Results option. 
  3. You will now be able to see the fixtures for this round. Locate the fixture you need to set up. Click on the action button to bring up the menu and select View Results.
  4. This will bring up the details for the fixture. In this example, the team details have not been entered yet, so we can see the home and away teams are empty. Click on the action button and select manage teams from the menu.
  5. This will bring up a screen to select the individual team members. Click on the blue button next to the position you need to setup. This will bring up a list of the club members, scroll to find the right name, or start to type in their name. This will shortlist the matching names automatically. Select the correct name for the position.
  6. If you are a player short, you can set up the position you are missing to show this. Click on the down arrow and scroll through the list until you find UN-PLAYED. Select this name for the position that you are short. 
  7. Once you have setup all positions in the team, you will need to repeat this process for all rinks. Note that once you have found and selected a player once, they will appear in the menu when you click on the down arrow. Both the home and away sides need to complete their teams before the day of play. 

Entering results for Pennant - After the Match

Once the day of play is completed, it is time to enter the results.

Matching Skips

The first step is to setup which teams played each other. As this won't have been known in advance, teams will have been randomly paired up, The home team will setup which teams played, the away team is not able to do this in the system.

  1. The home team logs on to their BowlsLink account. On the left of the screen, click on the Competitions option, and then select My Club Entries.
  2. Click on the In Play tab and look for the Pennant Competition you are entering results for. Click on the action icon for the competition, and select the Manage Results option. 
  3. You will now be able to see the fixtures for this round. Locate the fixture you need to enter results for. Click on the action button to bring up the menu and select View Results.
  4. You will now be able to see the two teams listed for that fixture. If they are not the correct two teams, you can switch the away team to select the correct team for this fixture. Click on the action button, and select Swap Away Teams.
    1. Click on the down arrow next to the skips name to bring up a list of the away team skips. Select the correct skips name from the list. 
    2. The correct skips name will now be shown. Click on the Swap button to select this team as the correct team for the fixture. 
    3. The fixture will now have the correct team shown. Repeat this process until you have the correct teams setup for each fixture.

Entering Scores

Once the teams for the fixtures are set correctly, the results for the matches can be entered. The home team enters the results first, then the away team confirms that the results are correct.

  1. Select the fixture you want to enter the results for and select the View Results option.
  2. There are two ways to access the score entry screen, either click the blue Update Results button on the main screen or select the Enter Results option from the action menu on the right of screen.
  3. Enter the scores for the fixture into the correct spaces, and click Save to save the result.
  4. Repeat this process for all rinks, so that all scores are recorded. The totals will be automatically calculated as the results are entered.

Confirming Scores

The away team will need to log in to confirm the scores for the match.

  1. The away team logs on to their BowlsLink account. On the left of the screen, click on the Competitions option, and then select My Club Entries.
  2. Click on the In Play tab and look for the Pennant Competition you are confirming results for. Click on the action icon for the competition, and select the Manage Results option. 
  3. You will now be able to see the fixtures for this round. Locate the fixture you need to confirm results for. Click on the action button to bring up the menu and select View Results.
  4. Scroll through the entered results and check the entered scores. If there are any issues with scores, the home team will need to log in to make the changes. If the scores are correct, scroll to the bottom of the scores list and click on the blue Confirm button. This will save the scores and lock in the result.
  5. Once the scores are confirmed, they are locked for both the home and away teams. Only a Competition Administrator can log in to change the scores.

Entering results for Pennant - Following Weeks

The team entry process for subsequent weeks will be much easier, as you can import teams from the previous week and make changes, rather than enter all the players again. The steps to do this are outlined below

  1. Login to your BowlsLink account. On the left of your screen, click on the Competitions option, and then select My Club Entries.
  2. Click on the In Play tab and look for the Pennant Competition you are setting up. Click on the action icon for the competition, and select the Manage Results option. 
  3. You will now be able to see the fixtures for this round. Locate the fixture you need to set up. Click on the action button to bring up the menu and select View Results.
  4. Click on the action button in the top right of screen and select the Import Teams option. 
    1. The system will now prompt for the week to import the team from. Click on the arrow to bring up a list of previous dates of fixtures. Select the week you want to import and click on the Import Teams button.
    2. The team members from that week will be imported to this fixture. If you need to edit any of the team members, simply click on the action button and select the Manage Teams option. This will allow you to change individual team members for the fixture. 
    3. Repeat this process until all the fixtures are setup. You can now enter results as usual. 

Entering results for other competitions

In this example we will look at an individual entering results for a tournament they are playing in. This a singles knockout format with the player entering their own results. 

Home Player

  1. Click on the Competitions option on the left of screen, and click on the My Competitions option under this. Click on the In Play tab at the top, to see the current matches which results can be entered for.
  2. Select the competition you want to enter the results for. Click on the action icon for the competition and select View Matches to view your matches in the competition.
    1. Click on the action icon for the match you want to enter the results for, and select the View Results option.
    2. The match results window will open up. As we are the Home player, we will enter the result in this instance. Click on the blue Enter Match Results button to enter the scores.
    3. Depending on the type of scoring for the match, different entry boxes will appear. In this case, we have 5 sets. Enter the scores for the sets and click on the Save buttons to record the results.
    4. The scores are now displayed, as they haven't been finalised you are able to make changes as required.

Away Player

  1. The Away player can now logon to confirm the result. They follow the normal login process, click on the Competitions option on the left of screen, and click on the My Competitions option under this. Click on the In Play tab at the top, to see the current matches.
    1. Select the competition you want to confirn the results for. Click on the action icon for the competition and select View Matches to view your matches in the competition.
    2.  Click on the Resulted tab, as the results for the match have already been entered.
    3. Click on the action icon for the match and select the View Results option.
    4. The detailed results screen will appear. If the scores are correct, click on the Finalize Scores button to lock in the scores. If there is an issue with the scores, the Home player will need to log in again to adjust the scores.
    5. You will see a confirmation screen when you click on the button. This is your last chance to go back to make changes. Click Ok to lock in the result. 
    6. The match will now be moved to the Completed tab. The results entry is now complete.

Club Admin Entering Results

As a Club Administrator you can enter results for competitions in your club. 

  1. Logged on as the Club Administrator, click on the Competitions option on the left of screen. Select the In Play tab, as the competition needs to be at this stage to enter results.
  2. Select the competition you will be entering results for. Click on the action icon for the competition and select Results from the menu.
  3. The list of matches for the competition will be displayed, you will default to the Unresulted tab. Select the match you would like to enter results for and click on the action icon. You will have two options for entering results, either Quick Enter Results or Enter Results.

Quick Enter Result

  1. Selecting the Quick Enter Results option brings up a results entry screen. You can enter the scores for the two competitors and click Save to enter the result.
  2. This saves the result for the match, and moves it to the In Play tab from the Unresulted tab. To finalise the score in this match, go to the In Play tab, and click the Action Icon for the match. Select Enter Results.
  3. You can click on the Finalize Scores button to save and commit these scores.
  4. You will see a confirmation screen when you click on the button. This is your last chance to go back to make changes. Click Ok to lock in the result.
  5. The match will be moved to the Finalised tab, and the score entry is complete.

Enter Results

If you select the Enter Result menu option instead, the series of screens will appear differently. 

  1. The first screen is a match overview screen. Click on the Enter Match Results button to enter the scores.
  2. Enter the scores for the competitors and click on the Save button to record the results.
  3. If no further changes are required to the scores, click on the Finalize Scores button to commit the result.
  4. You will see a confirmation screen when you click on the button. This is your last chance to go back to make changes. Click Ok to lock in the result.
  5. The match will be moved to the Finalised tab, and the score entry is complete.

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