User Manual - Club Admin

User Manual - Club Admin

This user manual will give you an overview of all functionalities that can be performed by a Club Admin and where these can be performed.


In the membership section of BowlsLink you will be able to find all information related to members of your club.

The membership section is further divided into members, groups & categories, certifications and transfers.


When you are in the members section you will be provided with a list of all the members currently in your club.

You will also be given the functionality to add new members.

The list is divided into three sections (tabs) - active, pending and archived.

For each member listed here you will be able to retrieve further information by clicking on their name.

Adding a Member

When you click the "Add Member" button in the member overview you will be able to add a new member to your club by providing all the relevant information or alternatively you can also add an already existing member.

  1. Select "Add Member"
  2. You will then be asked to provide personal details for the new member. 

    What is important to note is that the email and mobile phone number entered here are both the sign in and contact details for the member. These details need to be unique, and two members cannot have the same email address for example. If there are two club members who share an email address, simply leave this field blank. A separate field can be used to enter a contact email address for both members. Both the mobile and email fields can be left blank, as the member will still have a National ID they can use as their sign in.  

    Once the member has been created you can edit their details to add in a contact email address, which will be used for club communications only not for the logon process.

    Lets look at an example of this: A couple are members of a club. They each have their own mobile number but share an email address. When setting them up, you would enter their mobile number only, and leave the email blank. Once you have created them in the system, you can edit their profiles and add in the contact email address for both. The system will use the Key Details field first (the login details) and if these fields are blank will use the Personal Information field (the contact details) instead.

    Please enter the new member's personal information:
    1. Last Name
    2. Email Address
    3. Mobile Number
    4. DOB
    5. Gender
  3. Next you will be asked to create a password. Please select a strong password.
    1. Your password needs to fulfill certain requirements to be considered strong
    2. When you re-enter your password it needs to match your initial password
  4. Once you have set up a password you will be required to enter the new member's  address details. Please enter the member's home address.
    1. Address Lines
    2. Suburb
    3. State
    4. Postcode
    5. Country
  5. The fourth step is to provide club details for the new member. This information will be helpful when it is necessary to create invoices against a member. Please enter the member's Club information.
    1. Financial Until
    2. Member Since
  6. Should any additional club details be required, this can be provided in this step after providing the member's club details.
  7. In the last step you need to confirm that you have permission to add a new member to your club. Once confirmed you will be able to add the member to your club.
  8. If you have provided all details correctly you will receive a notification confirming the new member. If some details are already in the system (e.g. mobile number or email) the system will bring up an error message. This usually indicates that a member already exists.

Active Members

In the active tab of your members list you will be able to see all members that are currently active. You will also be given some of their member details without clicking into their profile and you will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. You will be able to click onto the club members' name to retrieve additional information about this member. 
  2. You will be able to search for a particular member by name.
  3. You will be able to sort the list of members differently by clicking on the different column headers.
  4. You will be able to apply specific filters to only find members matching your search criteria. You will be able to filter the following parameters:
    1. Groups
    2. Gender
    3. Category
    4. Financial To
    5. Member Since
  5. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed in your member table.
  6. You will be able to perform additional actions for individual members. Additional actions are:
    1. Manage Groups - You will be able to add or remove the selected user from member groups that have been created.
    2. Manage Fee Packages - You will be able to add or remove fee packages for the selected member. Please be aware that fee packages need to be created first before they can be assigned (Check Finance section for more details).
    3. Create Invoice - You will be able to create an invoice for the selected member if they have been assigned the required fee package (refer to the Finance section for more details).
    4. Archive Member - You will be able to archive a selected member.
  7. You will be able to bulk select all or a select group of members to perform additional actions. Additional actions are:
    1. Create invoice - You will be able to create and send bulk invoices if the selected members have been assigned the required fees.
    2. Add to Group - You will be able to add the selected members to a particular group that has already been created.
    3. Update the Financial To Date - You will be able to update the financial membership date for multiple users to the same new date.

Pending Members

In the pending tab of your members list you will be able to see all members that are currently pending review. As per the active member list, you will be given some of their member details without clicking into their profile. Many functions work the same as in the Active members tab. 

The similar functions are:

  1. You will be able to click onto the club members' name to retrieve additional information about this member.
  2. You will be able to sort the list of members differently by clicking on the different column headers.
  3. You will be able to search for a particular member by name.
  4. You will be able to apply specific filters to only find members matching your search criteria.
  5. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed in your member table.
  6. You will be able to perform additional actions for individual members. Additional actions are:
    1. Approve Membership -  You will be able to approve the membership for the selected member.
    2. Deny Membership - You will be able to deny the membership for the selected member.
  7. You will be able to bulk select all or a select group of members to perform additional actions. Additional actions are:
    1. Approve Members - You will be able to bulk approve all pending members.

Archived Members

In the archived tab of your members list you will be able to see all members that are currently archived. As per the active and pending member lists, you will be given some of their member details without clicking into their profile.Many functions work the same as in the Active members tab. 

The similar functions are:

  1. You will be able to click onto the club members' name to retrieve additional information about this member.
  2. You will be able to sort the list of members differently by clicking on the different column headers.
  3. You will be able to search for a particular member by name.
  4. You will be able to apply specific filters to only find members matching your search criteria. (This is the same as for the active and pending members)
  5. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed in your member table.
  6. You will be able to perform additional actions for individual members. Additional actions are:
    1. UnArchive Member - You will be able to unarchive the selected member and make them an active member of the club again.

Member - Detailed View

In the detailed view of a member you will be able to retrieve additional information about the member as well as being able to perform additional administrative actions.

The detailed member profile is divided into five sections (tabs) - activity, details, account, notes and fees.

This is the same for active, pending and archived members.


  1. The first tab is the Activity tab where you will be able to see any activity against a members' profile. 


  1. The second tab is the Details tab where you will find most member information.
  2. You will be able to perform the following actions:
    1. Manage details - edit any of the key details for this member
  3. Edit Category - add or remove a category for this member
  4. Add to Group - you can add a member to a specific group and you will also be able to remove a member from a member group
  5. Add Certification - you will be able to add a certification to the member
  6. Add to Group - you will be able to add the member to an Email Campaign Channel and also remove that member for the assigned channel
  7. Archive and Request Transfer - here you will be able to archive a member and you will also be able to request a transfer of a member to your club being the primary club.


The third tab is the Account tab where you will be able to view all the invoices associated to this particular member. You will be able to find invoice information and perform the following actions:

  1. You will be able to see any monies owing by this member
  2. You will be able to perform specific actions against an invoice for this member:
    1. Enter Payment
    2. Send
    3. Download
    4. Void
    5. View Payments
  3. Enter payment - If your club has received money from this member you will be able to record the receipt against the correct invoice.
  4. Send - If a new invoice has been created for this member but hasn't been sent yet you will be able to send this invoice. 
  5. Download - You can download a PDF file of the invoice.
  6. Void - If an invoice is no longer required to be paid by a member you will be able to cancel the invoice here.
  7. View payments - If any payments have been entered against a particular invoice you will be able to see these records here and you will also be able to void an existing payment record.
  8. You will be able to create a custom invoice should this be necessary. This will direct you to the finance section to finalise the creation of a custom invoice.


  1. The fourth tab is the Notes tab where you will be able to write and view notes as a quick way to track information about a member. You will be able to perform the following actions:
    1. Add notes for a member
    2. Archive existing notes that are no longer required. 
  2. When adding a note, you can choose to make it visible to the member or hidden.
  3. Choose to switch between current notes and archived notes.


  1. The last tab is the Fees tab where you will be able to see all allocated fees the member has to pay to the club. You will be able to perform the following actions:
    1. Assign Fee - If you need to add any additional fees that are not already assigned to the member. Please note that fees need to be part of a fee package which needs to be created in the finance section first before they can get assigned to a member. (Please check the Finance section for further details)
    2. Remove Fee - If a member has fees assigned already you will be able to remove them by clicking the minus symbol next to the fee you want to remove.

Groups & Categories

When you are in the groups & categories section you will be provided with a list of all the groups and categories you have already created for your club.

The list is divided into two sections (tabs) - Member Groups and Member Categories.

You will also be given the functionality to add new member groups and new member categories.

For each member group or member category listed here you will be able to perform additional actions.

Member Groups

In the member groups tab of your list you will be able to see all member groups that have already been created. You will also be given an overview of some of the groups' details. Furthermore, you will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. You will be able to add new member groups.
  2. You will be able to edit or delete existing member groups (Attention: Groups can only be deleted when no members are associated to this category).
    1. Details that can be edited for a member group

Member Categories

In the member categories tab of your list you will be able to see all member categories that have already been created. You will also be given an overview of some of the categories' details. Furthermore, you will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. You will be able to add new member categories.
  2. You will be able to edit or delete existing member categories (Attention: Categories can only be deleted when no members are associated to this category).
    1. Details that can be edited for a member category


When you are in the certifications section you will be provided with a list of all the members currently holding a certification in your club.

The list is divided into two sections (tabs) - members and manage.


For each member listed here you will be able to retrieve their certification status, the validity of their certification and the certification type. You will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. You will be able to search for a particular certification by name.
  2. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed in your certifications table.
  3. You will be able to apply specific filters to only find certifications matching your search criteria.
  4. The filter options available are:
    1. Expires Before
    2. Certification Title
    3. Assignee Name
    4. Approver Name
    5. Status


In the manage section of certifications you will be able to approve, extend and revoke certifications you have permission to manage. If there are any certifications that require review by you they will be listed here.

  1. You will be able to search for a particular certification by name.
  2. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed in your certifications table.
  3. Filter functions are also available, functioning the same as the Members Certification tab.

Dual Membership & Transfers 

To understand how the transfers section works, we need to understand the dual membership functions as well.

As a club administrator, you can:

  • Request dual membership for a member to join your club.
  • Approve or deny current members to be dual members with another club. Note that this is done via an email to your account, not within BowlsLink. 
  • Request for a transfer of primary membership to your club.
  • Approve transfers away from your club.

The key concept you will need to understand with transfers is this: Members must be dual members of two clubs, before they can then transfer their primary membership from one club to the other.  Therefore setting up dual membership is required for before you can transfer the primary membership.

The transfer section is used to manage members transferring their primary club membership away from your club.

Dual Membership

  1.  To request a member to join your club as a dual member, first go back to the members screen, and click on the add member button.
  2. Instead of filling in details, click on the add existing member button. This is adding a member who already exists as a member at a different club.
  3. You will need to provide details to identify the correct member. The easiest form of identification is the existing national ID number for the member. Otherwise you will need to provide either - Email address, last name and date of birth or - Mobile phone, last name and date of birth. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click search.
  4. Once the correct member has been identified, click on invite to send an invitation for membership.
  5. You will see a notification message on the screen. An approval request is now sent to the member, the administrator of their primary club and their state representative. When one of these three approves the membership, they will be added to your member list. Note it is not necessary for all three requests to be approved, any one of the three is sufficient.
  6. Once approved, the new member will appear in the pending members section and you will be able to approve their membership from the menu.
  7. When you select approval, you will be asked to confirm the membership.
  8. The members details will now show the dual membership of clubs, with the light blue club being the primary club (Tas Club 2). All other clubs will be shown in dark blue (TAS Club 1).

Primary Club Membership

To request that a member's primary membership is moved to your club, you will need to have already completed the steps above to setup the member as a dual member.

  1. Click on the request transfer button on the members profile. 
  2. This will place a request with the current primary club to approve a transfer. If the current club approves the transfer, it will appear in the transfer section, and the membership club details will be updated to show the new primary club.


The transfer section is used to manage the approval or rejection of transfers from your club, to be primary members of other clubs. It also provides a history of transfers to your club, where dual members have become a primary member of your club. 

  1. You can access the transfers section under the membership menu.
  2. The list is divided into three sections (tabs) - Pending, Approved and Reject
  3. Pending transfers of members from your club can be reviewed under the pending tab. Click on the action menu to approve or reject their transfer.
  4. Approved members can be reviewed in the approved tab. You can see details such as the approval and request dates, along with the club they have transferred from. This will show both approved transfers to your club as well as transfers from your club. The to club and from club columns will show this detail.
  5. Rejected transfers can be reviewed in the reject tab. You can see details such as the reject and request dates, along with the details of the rejection.This will show both rejected transfers to your club as well as transfers from your club. The to club and from club columns will show this detail.


This function allows you to export a report of your club and membership in a format that is suitable for opening in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. 

Currently the membership report includes the following information:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Mobile Phone
  • ID
  • Birth date
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Membership status
  1. Select the exports option in the membership menu. The available reports will appear, with the membership report as the only current report. Other reports may be added over time. Click the action icon to download a copy of the report for your club.


In the clubs section of BowlsLink you will be able to find all information related to your club and any other clubs you have the permission to see.

The clubs section is further divided into clubs, club categories and manage my club.


In the clubs sub-section you will be able to see all clubs that are currently active in BowlsLink. You will be given some club details without clicking into their club profile and you will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. You will be able to click onto the clubs' name to retrieve additional information about the chosen club.
  2. You will be able to search for a particular club by name.
  3. You will be able to sort the list of clubs differently by clicking on the different column headers.
  4. You will be able to apply specific filters to only find clubs matching your search criteria.
  5. Filters can be applied by:
    1. Groups
    2. States
  6. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed in your club table.

Club Categories

A club can have various categories assigned. Categories are used to show the various services and amenities that the club has, and this information is published in websites and other information systems about the club. The categories are selected from a pre-defined list, and the club administrator selects any and all that may apply to their club. Examples are: Social Bowls, Meals, Entertainment, Function Room Bookings etc.

  1. To add a category, click on the assign category button in the top right of screen.
  2. Select from the drop down list the appropriate category for your club, and click the assign button. 
  3. Once a category has been added, it can be removed by clicking the icon at the right end of the category listing.
  4. This process can be repeated as many times as you like, to add all the required categories to the club.

Manage My Club

In the manage my club sub-section you will be able to see all the details relevant to your club. You will be able to edit all the club information for your club.

The manage your club sub-section is divided into three tabs - Details, Additional Details and Club Member Additional Details.


  1. In the details tab of your club you will be able to edit the following field groups:
    1. Club Overview
    2. Contact Details
    3. Club Address
    4. Financial

Additional Details

  1. In the additional details tab you will be able to update any additional details that your club is requesting. If no additional details are required this tab will not display anything.

Club Member Additional Details

In the club member additional details tab you will be able to create new additional fields to gather more data for your club members. You will be able to add the following fields:

  • HTML
  • Title
  • Divider
  • Text
  • Yes/No
  • Long Text
  • Date
  • Dropdown
  1. In this example, we want to know if members are willing to volunteer with school group coaching at the club. This would be a yes or no question, so that is the option we will use
  2. When Yes/No is clicked, a detailed dialog box will appear, which you can fill out with the appropriate details. In our example, we want to get a response from all members, and we want them to answer the question. Once we are happy with how the question is set up, we click save to finalise the question. It will now appear in the member's profile for them to respond to. We can then report on this in future.


The Greens section is used to manage the greens and rinks available at your club. If there are missing greens for your club, these need to be added by a system administrator. Please contact a BowlsLink system admin to assist with fixing this. 

The greens management section is linked to other components in the system. Greens available for member use and the greens used in competitions are taken from the information provided in this module. 

  1. The main screen shows the current greens assigned to your club. With multiple greens, you can use the standard search and filter functions to look for a particular green within your club.
  2. To edit the options for a green in your club, click on the action button and select edit green from the menu.
    1. The details for your green will be bought up. The managing club will default to your club, this cannot be changed in this screen, and requires a system administrator to change the management. The green short name is used to identify your green when you have more than one. The short name can be a number (for example: Green 1, Green 2, Green 3) or a letter (Green A, Green B, Green C). Optionally you can add a full name to better identify your greens. The timezone will default to your current club zone, but this can be adjusted if required.
    2. The address for the green will default to the same address as your club. If you need to alter this, you can uncheck this box and enter the full address details for the green location. The green features can be edited to reflect the particular details of the green, which may differ across the greens.
    3. The general availability times for the green can be configured in the next section. Complete days can be removed by unchecking the tick next to the day. For days of availability, the hours can be adjusted by changing the time in the boxes.
    4. Final screen is used to setup the individual rinks for the green. A green must have at least one rink included. The ditch rinks can be setup by ticking the boxes next to the rink. Click save and close to close the screen and save the information.


Please see the separate competitions user guide. This can be found here:

User Manual - Competitions

Email Campaigns

The email campaigns section is used to communicate with your club members. It makes it easier to communicate with particular members and to send regular email messages and updates.

BowlsLink uses a third party product called Campaign Monitor to send emails from the system. Campaign Monitor is embedded into BowlsLink so it acts as part of the system.

Note - When setting your From Address, please set it to noreply@bowlslink.com.au. You can set your Reply To Address and From Name to your club name and email address.

If you don’t follow this delivery rates can be effected.

First Login to Emails

The first time you log into use the Emails from BowlsLink, you will  need to setup an Administrator account with Campaign Monitor for your club. This is done automatically from with Bowlslink.

  1. Click on the Email Campaigns menu in the Left hand Menu. This will ask you to request being and Admin for the Club email account. Click the Request Admin Account button.

Creating an email campaign

When you create a new email campaign you will need to go through a few steps to get the email ready to be sent out.

  1. You will see tha page below. Select "Create Campaign" from the top right-hand corner to start a new campaign.
  2. You will be taken to a screen to create the campaign (different to the Email, which we will create later). You will need to complete all of the fields, which are:
    1. Campaign Name - This won't appear on the email, but is a reference for you. Use a name that describes the type or content of the email.
    2. Subject - This is the subject line of the email, which the recipients will see.
    3. Who is it From - This should be set to Noreply@bowlslink.com.au. If it is not set to this it may effect delivery rates.
  3. You will cbe taken to a select
  4. Click on the action menu for the email. The options in the action menu are:
    1. Edit Details - Change the details of the email. This will take you back to step 2 above, allowing you to change the name, subject, sender name etc.
    2. Content editor - This is where you edit the content of the email, including the message in the email, adding logos and branding.
    3. Recipients - This is where we can add the names of the members we want to send the email to.
    4. View Preview - Allows us to see a preview of what the email will look like when it is sent. 
    5. Clone - Allows us to copy an existing email. Useful if there are emails you are sending frequently to members.
    6. Delete - Removes this campaign email, if we no longer need to send it.
  5. Click on the Content Editor option, this will open up the page to edit and add content to the email.
    1. The first screen is the default layout for the master template. In the center of the screen is the content that is already added to the email. 
    2. The existing content is a placeholder for a logo, a date field and a section for the bottom of the email that allows members to change their mail options.
    3. The first thing to update is the logo, click on the edit static button as shown below.
    4. This will bring up the element editor screen. This allows you to add a date for the email message, simply by typing this into the field.
    5. The image can be replaced by clicking on the remove button, which will then allow you to upload your own logo for your club. If the logo can't be displayed (for example if an email account will only display text and not images) then the text in the alt text box will be displayed instead. Typically it would be best to enter the name of your club, so this is displayed if the logo isn't.
    6. Once the date has been updated, and the logo removed, it will prompt you to upload a new logo. This should be a copy of your club logo, and it should be sized approximately 300 x 100 pixels in size. It does not need to be exactly these dimensions, but keeping it close to these is ideal.
    7. Once your logo has been added, it will display in the box. You can also add the alt text to display when the logo can't be shown. Click update to complete the edit of the element and return to the main screen.
    8. On the main screen the logo and date information will now display correctly. The next component to add is the main text for the email, which is the most important part. Go to the Add menu on the left side of screen and select it, and then pick content block from the menu that comes up.
    9. The content block is now added to the screen, and it will be populated with fake text. Click edit on the left of screen to edit the main block of text. 
    10. The element editor will appear, and you can now write the main text for your email. Basic tools allow you to use bold text, italics, bullets, numbered lists and to add in hyperlinks. Once you have written the main text for your email, click update to save the text.
    11. If you are happy with the content of the email, you can click on the save campaign and close the draft email.
    12. This will take you back to the drafts screen. The next step is to add in the recipients for the email. Click on the action menu to bring up the menu for the email, and select recipients from the menu.
    13. The edit campaign screen allows you to select the recipients for the email. The member groups listed are managed through the membership section, under the groups and certificates section. This is where you can assign your members to a group, which is a good way to manage your communication with members. If you need to add extra recipients who may not be in a group, you can individually add them in the other email address box. It may be the case that you are communicating with a group of members for the first time, and you will need to create a new membership group to cover them. This will make further communication easier, as the group will be available in future.
    14. Now that the recipients and content of the email are done, you can preview the email before it is sent. There are two options for this, view preview and send preview. View preview will show you the content of the email, along with the subject line, sender name and logo. The send preview allows you to send a copy of the email, so you can check how it appears once it is delivered. Selecting this will bring up another dialog box.
    15. To test send the email, you need to enter an email address and click send. This will email a copy of the message to the address, and you can check the appearance and formatting before sending out to other members. There may be occasions where approval could be required for the content or wording of a message. This allows you to send a message to a single member to be approved before distribution.
    16. Once you are happy with the testing and content of the email, you can schedule it to be sent. 


Once an email has been scheduled to send, it will appear in this tab. 

  1. Select the scheduled tab to see any emails currently scheduled to be sent. Emails can be deleted or edited though the action button prior to the time they are due to be sent.


Email campaigns that are actively being sent will appear in the sending tab. This is due to the potential size of some distribution lists for emails. Where there is a large number of recipients, the email will be sent to blocks of recipients at a time, to manage the load of outgoing emails. Any messages that are actively sending at this time will appear in the tab.


This tab is where you can see any past email campaigns. Sent emails can be reviewed and their effectiveness considered. Email addresses that have failed to deliver to can be reviewed and followed up. 

  1. Click on the sent tab to see details of email campaigns sent out. Statistics are shown for the number of emails sent, how many were opened and the number that failed to be delivered.


In the finance section of BowlsLink you will be able to find all information related to finances of your club.

The finance section is further divided into Invoices and Fees.


When you are in the invoices section you will be provided with a list of all the invoices related to your club.

You will also be given the functionality to create custom invoices.

  1. The list is divided into three sections (tabs) - approved, draft and voided.
  2. For each invoice listed here you will be able to retrieve further information by clicking on the desired invoice.

Creating a custom invoice

When creating a custom invoice for a particular member of your club you will need to follow the steps below.

  1. Click "Create Custom Invoice" in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Select the member of your club you would like to raise the invoice for.

After you have selected your member you will be able to customise your invoice. You will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. Add line item to the invoice, this will be blank when first added.
  2. Select dates - You can specify when the invoice was issued and when the invoice is due for payment
  3. You will be able to provide detail what you are invoicing the member for.
    1. Item
    2. Type
    3. GST
    4. Total
  4. Approve - Once you have included all required details in your invoice you can approve your invoice for action.
  5. Delete - If your invoice is no longer required you can delete the current version of your invoice.
  6. Download - If you need to save your invoice externally or print it you will be able to download the invoice for further actions.


In the approved tab of the listed invoices you will find all invoices that are currently approved. These invoices are ready and you can perform the following actions:

  1. Enter payment - If you have received payment (full or partial) for your invoice you will be able to record it here.
  2. Send - If your approved invoice still needs sending you will be able to do this through this function.
  3. Download - Should you require to download your invoice you will be able to do this here.
  4. Void - Should this invoice no longer be required it can get voided here.
  5. View Payments - If you need to check in more detail when payments where made you can do this here.
    1. If you choose to enter a payment, you will need to select the method of payment and how much is being paid. If a credit card is used, the details will need to be provided as well. 
    2. If you choose to void the invoice, a confirmation will appear.
    3. If you choose to view payments, you will be able to see a history of payments and are able to void these if required.


In the draft tab of the listed invoices you will find all invoices that are currently in draft status. These invoices are not approved yet and you can perform the following actions:

  1. Edit - Change the details of the invoice before approving
  2. Delete - Delete the invoice from the system 
  3. Approve - Approve the invoice and make live for payment
  4. Download - Should you require to download your invoice you will be able to do this here.


In the voided tab of the listed invoices you will find all invoices that have been voided.


When you are in the fees section you will be provided with a list of all the different fee items related to your club. As a overview, you create fee items, which are the individual things you will be charging members for. These are then added to a fee package, which allows you to group together items. Finally the fee package is assigned to the relevant members of your club. 

The list is divided into these three sections (tabs) - fee items, fee packages and fee labels.

Fee Items

  1. Adding a fee item
    1. When adding a new fee item you will need to follow the below steps:
    2. Click on the "Add Fee" button at the top right-hand corner. 
  2. You will now add the details for the fee. The details are:
    1. Name - Give the fee you are creating a name that is relevant and that will be understood by your members.
    2. Description - Give more specific details what this fee is for to help your members understand what this fee relates to and covers.
    3. Price and GST - Specify the price of the fee and whether it should include GST.
    4. Fee Type - You can select a fee type that already exists.
    5. If the fee type does not exist, you can select "Add a new fee type" to create a new type that can be reused for other fees moving forward. Click on the option to add a new fee type, enter a label for the fee type and then click add to make it available for use.
  3. Once a fee item is added, you can click on the action menu to edit it as required, or to delete it if it is no longer required. Any of the details entered above can be edited.

Fee Packages

The fee package groups the items together. For example, a member may have a membership fee and a club shirt fee, which all financial members are required to pay. These would be grouped together in the fee package.

  1. Adding a fee package.
    1. When adding a new fee package you will need to follow the below steps:
    2. Click on the "Add Fee Package" button at the top right-hand corner. 
    3. Once done you will be prompted to add the following details to complete the fee package setup:
      1. Package Name - Give the fee package you are creating a name that is relevant and that will be understood by your members.
      2. Description - Give more specific details what this fee package is for to help your members understand what it relates to and what it covers.
      3. Billing Cycle - You need to set the billing cycle for this fee package so the system knows when to charge a member.

Once a fee package has been added, you can configure it to use it with members. The key action is adding fee items to the package.

  1. Adding fees to a package
    1. In this example we have a new fee package for a junior member. The package has been created but it is currently empty with no items added. Clicking on the action menu brings up the option to:
      1. Add Fee Item - Adds a fee item to the package.
      2. Edit Package - Allows you to update details of the package.
      3. Remove Package - You can also remove a fee package should you no longer require it. Be aware that fee packages can only be removed when they are not assigned to any of your members. Since this package is empty, we can remove it.
    2. When you select add fee item, the manage fees section will open. You can select a fee from the assign fees drop down menu, and assign it to the package. This can be done multiple times, to add a number of fee items as required. Once you have finished, click on the X to close the window.
  2. Managing Fee Packages
    1. Now that the fees have been added to the package, you will be back on the fee package screen. There are options here to help you manage packages:
      1. You can expand a fee package to see the fees in the package
      2. You can remove fees from a package
      3. You can use the action menu to edit or remove the package as required.
      4. See the number of members assigned to this package.

Fee Labels

In the fee labels tab of your fees list you can manage and edit the labels assigned to your club’s fee items.

You will be able to see all the details for a fee label when it is listed here. You will also be able to perform the following actions:

  1. Edit Label -  If certain details for your current fee label need to be updated you can do this here.
  2. Delete Fee Label - You can also remove a fee label should you no longer require it. Please be aware that fee labels can only be removed when they are not assigned to any fees. This is available via the action menu.
  3. If you select the edit label action, it will open an edit window, where you can change the label as required.

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