User Manual - Competitions

User Manual - Competitions

This user manual will give you an overview of all functionalities that can be performed in the Competitions section of BowlsLink.


In the competitions section of BowlsLink you will be able to find all information related to competitions.

The competitions section is further divided into entries and fixtures.


When you are in the competitions section you will be provided with an overview list of all competitions that you have permission to administer.

The competitions list is further divided into different tabs depending on the status of the competition. You will also be able to perform the following actions.

  1. You will be able to add and create a new competition
  2. You will be able to view competitions based on their current status
    1. Draft
    2. Active
    3. In Play
    4. Completed
    5. Cancelled
  3. You will be able to apply filters and search for a particular competition.
  4. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed
  5. You will be able to perform further actions for each competition based on their status

Add Competition

When you add a new competition you will need to go through the following steps to successfully set up a new competition. Mandatory fields are marked with a asterisk "*" and you will also find more information for specific fields when hovering over fields that are marked with a "i".


  1. The first tab is the Detail tab where you will be able to provide the main details of the competition. See below.
    1. Title - The title of the competition you are creating
    2. Type - Knockout or Round-Robin
    3. Organising Body - This is not editable. It will be set to the organising body you are representing when setting up this competition.
    4. Supplemental Organising Body - You can choose another organisation that you would like to nomination to assist you in the administration of this competition.
    5. Format
      1. Singles
      2. Pairs
      3. Triples
      4. Fours
    6. Status - The statuses are the same as on the competition overview page
    7. Event - What kind of event is it?
    8. Event URL - Does your event has a specific website?
    9. Start and End Date - When will the end start and when will it finish?
    10. Timezone - You will need to select the correct timezone of the location the competition is taking place.
    11. Sponsor Name - If you have sponsors you can provide the name here.
    12. URL - You can provide a link to the sponsor's website.
    13. Image - You can upload a logo for your sponsors
    14. Terms & Conditions - If you have terms and conditions for the competition you can type them, copy and paste them or insert a link to a document that contains the T&Cs.


  1. After providing the main details for the competition the second tab will be the Entries tab where you will be able to choose how you would like to handle entries for this competition. You will be able to select from the following three options:
    1. Allow Online Entries - Select this if you want competitors to register themselves online.
    2. Use entries from a previous competition - Select this if you already have a list of competitors from a previous competition and upload it. This will override any online entries. If you select this you will need to go through the following steps:
      1. Select the competition you want to import entrants from
      2. Select the competitors you would like to import into your new competition. You will be able to select your competitors by clicking the "+" sign next to their names. This will then move them to the "Allocated Entries" list on the right-hand side. When you are finished nominating all your competitors you will be able to select "Import Entries" to assign them to your competition.
    3. Manual enter entries - You can choose how you would like to add entries at a later stage.

Online Form

In this tab you will be able to specify the information/fields that you want competitors to enter when you select the "Online Registration" option for your competition.


In this tab you will be able select all registrants manually.


Under fees you will be able to specify any fees related to this competition.

Value Adds

If there are any value adds for this competition (e.g. Merchandise etc.) you will be able to specify this in this tab.

Dates & Times

Here you will be able to setup game times for the different locations of your competition.

Ladder Settings

In the last tab you will be able to set up the ladder information for your upcoming competition. You will be able to specify the points per match, scores per match and ladder criteria or you can import ladder settings from a previous competition.

Competition Statuses

Competitions can be in various states. If you are just starting to set up a new competition 

Entries - To be continued

When you are in the member groups section you will be provided with a list of all the member groups you have already created for your club group.

You will also be given the functionality to add new club group member groups.

For each club group member group listed here you will be able to perform additional actions.

Member Groups

In the member groups tab of your list you will be able to see all member groups that have already been created. You will also be given an overview of some of the groups' details. Furthermore, you will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. Add Member Group - You will be able to add new member groups.
  2. Edit Group/Delete Group - You will be able to edit or delete existing member groups (Attention: Groups can only be deleted when no members are associated to this category).

Fixtures - to be continued

When you are in the certifications section you will be provided with a list of all the members currently holding a certification in your club group.

The list is divided into two sections (tabs) - members and manage.


For each member listed here you will be able to retrieve their certification status, the validity of their certification and the certification type. You will be able to perform the following actions:

  1. You will be able to search for a particular certification by name.
  2. You will be able to apply specific filters to only find certifications matching your search criteria.
    1. Expires Before
    2. Certification Title
    3. Assignee Name
    4. Approver Name
    5. Status
  3. You will be able to change the amount of rows displayed in your certifications table.


In the manage section of certifications you will be able to approve, reject, revoke and delete certifications you have permission to manage. If there are any certifications that require review by you they will be listed here.


In the transfers section you will be provided with a list of members that are transferring to a new club.

The list of members is divided into 3 sections (tabs) - pending, approved and reject.

If any members listed here require your input these will be shown accordingly.